Beautiful and voluminous breasts are the dream of every representative of the fairer sex, only nature does not reward everyone with that. Endoscopic breast augmentation involves surgery to implant.
The main advantages of the method
Among other techniques that allow you to increase breast volume and correct its defects, endoscopy has some advantages:
- Preserving the possibility of breastfeeding babies. The implant is placed directly under the muscle. This location in no way interferes with the natural functions of the mammary gland.
- The breasts retain the most aesthetic appearance. The possibility of placing a suture in the armpit makes it practically invisible. After a few months, the scar dissolves and disappears. The implant is not visible through the skin, so the breasts retain their natural appearance.
- Short operating time. Thanks to the use of an endoscope, the doctor has the opportunity to examine the entire operative field and control the process. The performed manipulations become more precise, and the procedure itself does not take more than an hour.
- The recovery period passes quickly. The tissues are not too traumatized during the operation, the healing process is fast and good. After 2 weeks, the patient can return to his usual way of life, but with certain reservations.
Who is indicated for the breast augmentation procedure?
In which cases is it planned to do endoscopic breast augmentation or correction? For example, in the following:

- insufficient development of the mammary gland;
- small breast size;
- sagging breasts, which may be the result of feeding the baby or sudden weight loss;
- chest asymmetry;
- chest deformity as a result of trauma or surgery.
Preparatory period
Like any operation, mammoplasty requires a certain preparation of the patient, testing for the absence of any contraindications. You must have the following examinations before breast augmentation:
- undergo breast ultrasound;
- do a general blood test;
- adjust blood clotting time;
- do a blood test for AIDS, hepatitis, biochemistry, genital infections.
Preliminary consultation with an anesthesiologist is required, which will help to identify in advance possible complications from anesthesia during surgery. Every operation is an intervention in the body and a violation of natural processes, so the preliminary preparation must be taken very seriously.
How the operation is performed
There are several ways in which endoscopic breast augmentation can be reported:
- Incision directly below the mammary gland. Its length, as a rule, does not exceed 3, 5 centimeters. The disadvantage of this option is that even with the most successful suture healing, when only a thin scar remains at the wound site, the scar can occasionally remind both the woman and her partner of breast augmentation surgery.
- Incision near the nipple. This option is a full consequence. First, scarring remains inevitable. Second, it is the inability to breastfeed future children. During the operation, some channels and only glandular tissue were affected. In the future, if a woman wants to have a child and get pregnant, it will be impossible to feed him breast milk. Another complication that frightens patients the most, who have opted for this method of breast augmentation, is the possible complete loss of nipple sensitivity. In this case, the bust will already be defective.
- Surgery through the axillary approach. It is considered to be the most successful and safest option for breast augmentation. The breast tissue remains intact, so that in the future they will be able to feed the children without any problems. The scar that forms under the armpit can finally dissolve within six months, so it won’t spoil the result at all. In general, the procedure of inserting an implant through the axillary approach below the pectoral muscle is more practical, but requires certain endoscopic equipment. It will be necessary not only to cut the muscle tissue, but also not to damage the large vessels that pass through here. In general, much less time is spent on the whole process. Breast augmentation through the armpits enables a significant shortening of the recovery period. If the clinic has a modern laser installation, the possibilities for a favorable outcome of the operation increase many times over.
One month before the operation, it is necessary to adjust the diet and revise the diet. This is especially true for those ladies who go on a diet regularly. Lack of trace elements and vitamins leads to poor healing of damaged tissues. For a few weeks, they stop taking any medications that may affect blood clotting. Their list is usually issued for consultation by a surgeon or anesthesiologist. In three days you must try to quit smoking: because of this bad habit can form a rough and ugly scar.
Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol before or after surgery. Alcohol is the strictest contraindication for all anesthetics and medications.
The operation is performed in a classic operating room, where sterility is guaranteed.
Like any medical procedure, endoscopic mammoplasty has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is worth refusing breast augmentation surgery in order to avoid further negative consequences. This includes:
- all neoplasms in the area of the mammary glands (both malignant and benign);
- current infectious diseases;
- chronic or acute diseases of internal organs;
- diabetes;
- blood diseases;
- poor blood clotting;
- underage age;
- if not a year has passed since the end of breastfeeding;
- mental abnormalities or an unstable mental state of the patient.
The first day after the operation, the patient usually spends in the hospital ward, where he is provided with the supervision of medical staff and the provision of qualified medical care as needed.
For the first week after breast augmentation, patients feel pain at the incision site. Pain medications are recommended to reduce this negative effect. In no case should physical effort be allowed. You must avoid sharp waves of the arms, try not to raise them above shoulder level. Within three months, you will have to forget about going to the bathroom or sauna, and not visiting the solarium. Performing any procedures in the chest area during this period is strictly forbidden.

The cost of endoscopic breast augmentation surgery can vary not only depending on the material from which the implant is made, but also on the experience and reputation of the surgeon. The difference in price can be up to twice. Before you decide on a cheaper option, consider whether you are willing to risk your health and leave it in the hands of a complete stranger.
The successful outcome of endoscopic breast augmentation through the armpit depends not only on the appearance in the future, but also on the health condition. Before you decide on such an important and responsible step, it is worth weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, check that there are no contraindications or reasons for concern. In the presence of the smallest deviations, it is better to leave the operation or postpone it. Re-mammoplasty is extremely risky and not every specialist will get involved.